I remember when I was a kid, our cats live longer and healthier. Twenty thirty was common and not unusual cat health problems.
I remember trips to the vet were rare.
And our cats often feed table scraps and raw meat and bones.
Health problems cat not seem to be a problem cat health problems.
Today, it seems that cats live just over ten years.
And veterinary clinics are busy animal concerned people.
Could there be a connection? A connection between regular visits to the vet and cats die young?
In my opinion, it is not.
I mean, before getting hot under the collar of the quality of your veterinarian cat health problems. (And yes, I must admit that there are good veterinary subject, but they are rare and usually full.)
Veterinary schools are funded in part by the high (and rich) food companies pet trade industry. They "teach" students how wonderful and nutritious food. You only have to look at the reception of most veterinarians, to know what I'm talking about. Packs and boxes are stacked to the ceiling.
But if students have done a little research, you will find that shopping for food animals is far from healthy. If unhealthy, in fact, that kills your cat.
Some students will dig and so reject the food. cat health problems Another in accordance with industry and advocate its use widely. After all, look at the benefits they do. It is a double portion cat health problems.
Once the purchase of food.
And one more time for consultations and drugs when your cat inevitably falls ill.
So what can you do about cat health problems?
The diet is essential for a healthy life. The daily diet of low quality (if you can call it that), toxic preservatives (very toxic to comply with the laws of the food) and artificial nutrients (which are not absorbed easily) create havoc on the health your cat.
The friendly labeling and buzzwords (natural science, etc.) have no substance. There are few laws, if any, in most countries, the industry feed. And what pet food.
a, are easily handled or stepped aside.
Health problems cat has reached its highest point, because they do not tell the truth. Like many other areas of your life, cat health problems you are manipulated for profit. Just listen to the pioneers (often holistic) to know that this is true pet food.
Almost like a body complain that serious feline diseases can be cured by a change to a diet of meat and natural bone. cat health problems Diseases such as hypertension, called inevitable age-related diseases, cystitis, dead mothers and babies, heart disease, tumors and cancer, hip dysplasia, cat health problems skin problems and hair kidney problems, cat health problems spinal cord telepathy feline leukemia veterinarian, the list is long veterinarian.
I think there are other factors that contribute to health problems cat, in addition to food. But as the power consumed daily pet food.
, I think it is the main contributor veterinarian.
Cat health problems can be solved not only prevented by a change to a more consistent with the way cats have evolved regime cat health problems veterinarian.
Once the plan is directed towards a more coherent with the shape of a mature cat (can not beat nature, despite attempts), the cat's immune system is coming and are much better equipped to deal with other causes harmful.