In this article, we will explore the craft of pension chat: how to open a cattery? What equipment is needed to open a pension for cat? What is the daily life of a pension cat? How much does a pension for cat? All information about the catteries in details -Being.
I spent a few days on vacation with a friend who has a cattery. I give you all the information to find the cattery business. My friend one day the leap and Spanish teacher in college, she embarked on her passion and care for cats. Discover all his experience.
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How to open a pension for cat?
To open a cattery, it is necessary to have an equivalent to the breeder diploma training breeder who is preparing for 2 years. My friend has nevertheless obtained from the veterinary services exemption to stand as an independent candidate in the tests of breeder degree. She graduated through personal study of several books purchased in bookstores on reproduction, pregnancy, care and diseases of dogs, cats, birds, reptiles.
To transport animals, it is necessary to take additional 2 days training on: the ability to transport animals.
What equipment for a pension for cat?
Many pension Cat opted for the construction of cottages. Legally, each animal must have a minimum of 0.5 m². The temperature must be at least 15 ° C, providing a heating interior spaces. In the example of the cattery of our friends, each chalet can accommodate 7-8 cats for a total area of 14m ² indoor + outdoor, plus some individual locations. Each cottage has a tiled or linoleum, with rounded corners for easy cleaning and coating (tiles or lino) back to 1m on the walls. In each cottage there is litter, cat trees, cat berths (two berths for each cat). A door flap allows movement between indoor and outdoor, day and night.
What stocks for pension cat?
In terms of hygiene, two cleaning products are approved by the Veterinary Services.
The litter must be stored in quantity.
In terms of food stocks for pension cat, think to supply:
- The junior cat kibble
- Croquettes for adult cats
- A senior cat food
- Croquettes for feline diseases: diabetes, urinary problems cat.
What is the service sold by a cattery and the prices charged by a board to chat?
The basic benefit of a pension for cat care cat the day.
One day a cat pension costs between 12 and 14 euros.
The special case of an entire male cat: Some cattery accept entire males. It must however be to reserve a spot well in advance, because individual sites are not numerous. The cost of an individual location pension cat is double: between 24 and 28 euros per day.
Cost of taking medication for cat pension: a pension for each cat takes 2eurosTTC taking medication. That is to say, a cat would need six drugs, taken twice, one in the morning and once at night, would cost 4 euros.
Cost of an injection of insulin cattery: is the manager of the pension cat can do himself the bite of insulin and this represents a cost of € 2 per bite, or the manager of the pension Cat ask a vet to come to the bite, the provision of veterinary will be charged to the owner of the cat.
Drugs and insulin and syringes are provided by the owners of cats.
Cost of brushing a cat cattery: some cats like Angora cats may require a daily brushing. The cost of a daily brushing is 2 euros.
Additional cost for a specific supply cattery: if a cat requires a special diet (food for diabetic cat food for cats with urinary problems), the daily surcharge is 2 euros.
In the case where a cat gets sick while in custody cattery manager brought a veterinarian and invoices the customer caring.
Pension cat that moves to feed animals for clients
Some cattery offer additional service animal care for the client.
The manager of the pension cat then moves to feed the animals in their place of daily life. The cost of this service is 1 euro per kilometer.
Contained in the contract between a board cat and client?
The minimum pension for a contract must contain cat is:
- Coordinates of the pension Cat
- Contact the owner of the cat
- Prices of individual services
- No responsibility for pension cat in case of death in police custody of the cat
- Provision of health records of the feline when depositing the cat
- Mention that the cat must be up to date with vaccinations, flea and worming treatment
- Check the cat, date of departure of the cat.
It is recommended by my friend noted on each customer record if the owner is a good customer (arrives on time, pay later cat without problem) in order to make the choice during periods of heavy crowds.
What are the constraints of a pension cat?
The daily work of a cattery is not only about feeding cats, but also cleaning the stables and cottages, bedding.
It must also be present to potential treatments: medication, injections, brushings.
The more binding remains constant presence, especially during periods of high activity that consistently match the school holidays. This will be a problem and couples with children who would from time to time on vacation.
Note also that the times given by customers to testify their cat or come looking for their cat, are most elastic time. It can be very difficult to manage daily diary (the client had to happen at 9 o'clock this morning was there at 8:30 am to drop her cat, while the client who was supposed to pick her pussy at 16:00 came with more than one hour late ...).
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